From the amount of experience we gained when managing a WordPress blog, there are several plugins that can be installed and very useful to improve the speed performance of our WordPress blog. Here are some plugins that you should try to install to improve the speed of your blog.

3 Plugins to Boost Your WordPress Speed

1. Autoptimize 

Autoptimize WordPress Plugin is the first plugin we recommend you to install on your WordPress blog. This Plugin is capable to handling the critical problems that exist in CSS and JavaScript. By using Autoptimize your CSS can be loaded inline and keep some Javascript loaded properly so that it doesn’t ruin the look of your WordPress blog. In addition, a very useful facility to increase the speed of your WordPress blog is this plugin have a CDN setting (Content Delivery Network) for free for our WordPress blog. This feature we have tried and quite well when run and the result of our PageSpeed score rises several levels. You can get this plugin here.

2. WP-Optimize – Clean, Compress, Cache

The next plugin that you should install to increase the speed of your WordPress blog is WP-Optimize WordPress plugin. By using WP-Optimize You can optimize the use of databases, caches, images, and also scripts that exist on your WordPress blog. The way WP-Optimize works is to eliminate the use of meta data on unnecessary databases thereby optimizing the use of your WordPress blog database. In addition to the most sought-after feature of WP-Optimize is its ability to compress images when uploaded or already uploaded, this feature is very useful to streamline the use of images in our WordPress blog. Then WP-Optimize also provides a Cache feature that we can easily configure, just enable the button “Enable” to use it. WP-Optimize also provides a configuration where we can minify our WordPress scripts, of course this will reduce the resources needed when our WordPress page loads. You can download WP-Optimize here.

3. Smush – Compress, Optimize and Lazy Load Images

The next plugin we recommend to install if you don’t want to install WP-Optimize Plugin is Smush Plugin. Use this plugin if you are not using the WP-Optimize plugin, there is no need to use both because it functions almost the same, but the plugin focuses on image optimization, so it is suitable for use on WordPress blogs with lots of images. One advantage that WP-Optimize doesn’t have on this plugin is its ability to load images on the latest technology in the WebP format, but this function can only be acquired for the premium version only. Very useful from this plugin is the ability to Lazy Load images and also image compression capability that doesn’t change too much image quality itself, you can download the plugin here.