Features of V380 Pro:

Remote monitoring:  V380 Pro allows you to watch live streams and recorded clips of apartments, stores, and working offices. It provides HD quality up to 1080p.Audio monitoring: It supports the Voice Talkback feature but you can only use it if you have a speaker paired with the app.Device Sharing: Users can watch videos together by sharing their devices.Motion Detection Alarm: Instant alarm on the abnormal situation, it notifies immediately whenever it detects a motion in the camera video.Playback feature: V380 Pro records live videos. Users can easily see any previous videos by using the playback feature.

Download V380 Pro on Android & IOS

V380 Pro has got really good ratings and reviews on Google Playstore & App Store. This app is at the top of the list of Libraries & Demo category apps on Google Playstore. If you haven’t installed V380 Pro on Your Android & IOS. You can download the app with the link below:

Download V380 Pro APK Free

You can download the free APK file with the given link below :

Download V380 Pro for PC, Laptops & Mac

Want to download V380 Pro for PC, Laptops & Mac? Then keep reading this article to know how to download V380 Pro on your PC, Laptop & Mac. Mostly all the apps are easily available on the Google play store and IOS Appstore for smartphones. Still, you can download apps on your PC, Laptop & Mac through Android emulators. Android emulators are software that makes us able to run all the Android Apps and APK files on Laptops and PC & Macs and use them as you use apps on smartphones. Follow the instruction given below.

Download V380 Pro for PC & Laptop

1. Download V380 Pro for PC & Laptop through Bluestacks :

There are so many Android emulators But Bluestacks shows good performance on Windows.

Download and install Bluestacks. Go to the following page to Download Bluestacks.To fasten your download speed, You need a VPN like NordVPN or PureVPN.Once it is installed. Open Bluestacks, and sign in with the Google Playstore ID.After signing in, Open Google Play Store and Type “V380 Pro” in the search bar.Open the V380 Pro and Click on the Install button.Or import the apk file from here Download the V380 Pro APK file and go to the APK Installer on BlueStacks Upload the apk file and install.After Installation, open the app and use V380 Pro for PC & laptop.

2. Download V380 Pro for PC & Laptop through NoxPlayer :

First Download the Nox player Download NoxPlayer.After Downloading, double-click on the file to install NoxPlayer on your PC & Laptop.Once it is installed. Open NoxPlayer, and sign in with the Google Playstore ID.Open Google Play Store and search V380 Pro.select the app and click on the install button.After Installation, open the app and use V380 Pro for PC & laptop.

Download V380 Pro for Mac

BlueStacks is also available for Mac but NoxPlayer is doing brilliantly with Mac as an Android Emulator. Download NoxPlayer from the given link below :

After Downloading, double-click on the file to install NoxPlayer.Once it is installed. Open NoxPlayer, and sign in.Open Google Play Store and search V380 Pro.select the app and click on the install button.After Installation, open the app and use V380 Pro for Mac.

Frequently Asked Question

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